

There is no doubt that with the recent issues that have come to light as a result of the much publicized shootings and beatings on minorities (and yes I dare say black people) in the states have unearthed a big open sore that just won’t heal.  This issue isn’t new and isn’t going away anytime soon. can-not-breathe

So what do we do about it?  That question has powerful urgencies and importance at all levels of society.  From the highest reaches of government, political hierarchy and corporate empires right down to the starving children living on some of the poorest streets.  And this issue is by no means confined to the United States of America or just black people.  Take a quick look at what’s happening around the world racially and politically and you will see the question is bigger than us (and I include Canada in the mix).

I wish I could say that I have an answer to it all but I don’t.  And though I sympathize and stand with those who need my support, I also believe we all have a part to play. We all have a responsibility not only to each other but to the people who serve and protect us.  Let me say it now.  Not all police officers are bad.  Not all judicial systems are bad or corrupt.  Let’s not lose sight of that and start spiraling  into anarchy. murder-by-police

Having said that, this blog is about music and this post is about the music that has been surfacing as a result of that ‘Question’.  Now, I sincerely hope that all of these offerings are truly genuine, heartfelt reactions, protests and concerns for the lives of not only those being oppressed but those who are subjected to it’s aftermath. In this day and age of fast everything, social networks, light speed information and video everywhere, there is always the lure to make a quick buck or take advantage and jump on the publicity bandwagon.  Let’s hope this is not the case.

So without further ado or verbal diatribe from me, here are some of the music coming out of this important issue.



2 Responses

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  • FIFA 17 on

    Love the website– really individual pleasant and whole lots to see!

  • Chris Reid on

    Thanks FIFA 17. Keep checking for new music and articles.

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