

I’m about to get real here so excuse me if I piss you off.  I don’t care.  It’s my opinion.

This question is huge and it has no clear answer. Well not really.
We all listen to music. Each of us have our favorite and our preferred genre, maybe even a few. But if we don’t listen to all that is out there, can we really speak for the whole? Can we really say a certain music is bad?

Well I listen to just about everything. Yes I have my favorites but I love music and what it represents to all people and I’ve listened to a whole lot of it. So I’m gonna step up and say yes I think I can somewhat speak on a broad scope. Don’t like what I have to say, well I’m perfectly fine with that. I welcome your comments at the end.

There are many ways to look at this beast. You can say music is culture. It changes with time .
The 1960s had a different style / culture and they had different music. Music changes each generation 60’s 70’s 80’s 90’s 20′ 21’s.  Anyone can listen and hear the difference.

Of course with most music there is some kind of standard. Each genre has it’s criteria of what makes a song fit. Beyond that, it’s up to the musicians to effectively create and the listener to either like it or not. But in most top end genre’s (rock, blues, jazz, R&B, classical) you can’t fake the music. You either know how to create it, play it and sustain it or you don’t.

Todays Pop Artists

Todays Pop Artists

Notice how I didn’t mention Pop music. Well, I don’t really think of it as a genre.

Pop is a mix bag of all the artists who couldn’t find a specific genre and be good at it. A pile of artists who take what little they know of other genres, try to combine and mix them so they sound like something new and hip, Usually created by the younger generation (hence the immaturity level of the music). There. I said it. What a bunch of garbage people are selling and we are buying. The music is pointless, nonsensical and talentless.

People who make this music, will make millions because the youth of today is all ‘wow this is cool’. And then proceed to listen to the same crap over and over again. You’ll hear that song at home, at work, in the store, in the restaurant, blaring from the passing car. Come on? Personally, I welcome today’s availability of so much music and different kinds of it. I can escape all that repetitious crap.

Ok I won’t condemn them all because in all that mess there are a few very talented artists who probably don’t deserve my wrath.  But there are so many artists (strike that) individuals who’s personality is mistaken for talent.  Who don’t give a rats buttocks about the music.  What they want is the fame and money that comes with it.


But there is another side to this music thing. Which has nothing to do with the music at all. It’s all that crap about who said what, who dissed who, who’s wearing what, who’s sleeping with who, who’s video is more revealing or taboo. Seriously, who gives a f–k.  But that stuff believe it or not influences who’s music gets sold.  How about that?  To the point where you could (and we do) have artists out there who have no talent at all but cause enough media fanfare and social murmur that people buy their music or go to their concerts just to see what other crap they can come up with, or mess they can get into.

What about the music? It’s not even at the forefront anymore. It’s way back behind the antics, the dancers, the videos.  You can’t sell a song anymore or get anyone to even consider listening to your music nowadays if you don’t have a compelling video.  Translation… the music doesn’t mean shit if you don’t have a video and a good one.  WTF?

Concerts aren’t about the music anymore.  For example. Go to a pop concert, listen to the headliner sing. First, is he or she really singing? If so, is it any good? Can you see any of the back up musicians? After all they are the ones playing the music, right? Maybe not. Maybe there are no musicians.  Can you even hear the music/singing behind all the other crap going on on the stage and elsewhere.

And music award shows?…don’t even get me started.

Today’s pop music is repetitive and unoriginal.  So much so that you can take a hit from the past, change it slightly, call it a remix and somehow that becomes original material.  It’s become more about personality than talent.  And that personality better be bad.  Cause you know where they say good guys end up….  I find that the Justin Bieber, One Direction, Miley Cirus, Taylor Swift, most of what is coming out of rap (sorry bros) and a lot of the EDM music of today is garbage.

So who’s fault is this?  Is it the music industry trying to make big money off the backs of their clients or is it the result of greedy, immature no talent artists (slash that) individuals?  Or is it our fault for buying into the media crazed, sensationalized, cookie cutter pre-packaged fake product we are constantly subjected to everywhere we go?

Most of the contemporary hits heard on the radio follow the same four-chord progression, or at least variations of this progression.

Short video of the evolution of musical tastes from 1961 through 2011. It suggests constantly changing trends in musical taste, such as an increase in demand for songs with more danceability and loudness, are reasons for why certain music is popular in the present day.

Tell me what you think. Drop me a comment.

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