

This post and more to follow each week will bring to your attention some of the albums I’m currently listening to. I leave you with one track from each album. Check them out. You may find something you like. That is my hope.

This week, as it’s been every week, we have a wide range of styles. You should know me by now. That’s how I roll.


Ill Considered by Ill Considered — 7 Tracks — 37:13 Released 06/14/2017

This group is the definition of a jazz group without sounding too much like a jazz group. Even though their music is more edgy, more raw and less straight ahead they do embody the art of improvisation. Their aim is to create music that is unique to the moment. They create a loose structure or theme then improvise the hell out of it. Seems to be working for them. The first 3 tracks are standouts on this album.


Nu-Jive by Troy Roberts — 8 Tracks — 55:04 Released 03/10/2011

I really like Troy’s playing, especially from his Nu-Jive recordings. They tend to be more on the funky fusion end of his vocabulary while his newer stuff is more contemporary. This album and the follow-up Nu-Jive 5 are great examples of a tight, talented and well rounded group playing some sophisticated stuff that doesn’t sound sophisticate. Standout tracks include Brotherlation, Shavon and Mademfalselle.


After winning a Grammy with a track from their first album, this was the follow-up album. This Australian (future soul) group plays some very interesting music. I like that they add lots of variety and changes within each track. Stand out tracks include Shaolin Monk Motherfunk, Breathing Underwater and By Fire.


What We Bring by Ben Wendel — 8 Tracks — 46:26 Released 09/09/2016

Ok here is one for you jazz heads but with a little twist. His music is very contemporary but not so straight ahead. There is something structurally different about his music but in a very good and refreshing way. Very creative tracks. Stand out tracks include Spring and Song Song.


Chameleon by Harvey Mason — 11 Tracks — 52:12 Released 04/29/2014

Harvey Mason has been around a long time. There aren’t many jazz musicians past and present who haven’t had drummer Mason as a sideman (to name just a few; Gerry Mulligan, Chet Baker, Ahmad Jamal, Eddie Henderson, The Headhunters, Chick Corea, Michel Legrand,  Lee Ritenour & Larry Carlton, John Legend, George Benson, Herbie Hancock and he was a member of Fourplay. Now he’s making waves with the today crowd.


It can be a good thing or a bad thing. Depends on why you have them and how they make you feel.

Lets first determine what they are and if you really do have them.

‘Involuntary musical imagery (INMI or “earworms”)—the spontaneous recall and repeating of a tune in one’s mind—can be attributed to a wide range of triggers, including memory associations and recent musical exposure.’

Simply put, it’s that tune that keeps playing in your head, over and over and over again. Sometimes you enjoy it and it makes you feel good. It energizes you. It gives you that extra edge in doing whatever it is you are doing at the moment. But sometimes you can’t stand that damn sound in your head. You find yourself doing strange things to rid yourself of the annoying beat or melody. But it’s hard to make it stop. And so it continues…over and over and over…

There are studies that try to determine why this happens. And one such study was ‘Dissecting an Earworm: Melodic Features and Song Popularity Predict Involuntary Musical Imagery. Found Here

This study found that a song’s popularity and its repetitiveness is a huge cause for it’s susceptibility to wiggle itself into your ear canals. Also, those nasty earworms are of the faster tempo species.
I’m not sure if that last part is so true on a global stage. Many of my earworms (yes I do get them from time to time) are sometimes slow or mid tempo tunes.


So scientific mumbo-jumbo aside. What are your favorite or dreaded earworm tunes? A recent query was done of 3000 people and from that came 9 of the most popular earworms. I’ll tell you what they are later in a follow-up post but first I’d like to know what yours is.

Drop me a line in the comment section below with the name and artist of your favorite or most annoying earworm.
…and try not to get it stuck in your head

Here are a couple of mine:
Miles Davis – So What
Pat Metheny – Have You Heard
Phrases from Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring
Many of my own tracks (cause I’ve only heard them a million times)
Not so good are anything from pop radio or TV show themes.


gmg and the world



So here it is. My first foray into the abyss. Into the electronically charged black hole filled with everything and nothing called the internet. Ok, maybe that’s not quite accurate. Of course I’m already engrained into the net but this time I’m doing it on my own (por mi cuenta).

This is my maiden voyage into running my own site. From the ground up its me. No professionals to fall back on. Just me. So be kind.

So what will you get? First I must tell you, there will be lots of jazz music on this site because, well, I love jazz. It’s my home when it comes to music. But that’s not all you’ll get. Along with Jazz and all its sub-genres you’ll also get, blues, rock, reggae, R&B, metal, classical and whatever can be called music.

good music

Of course it will always be good music from my point of view but as you well know, that’s the thing about music…it’s good to only those it can impart some type of meaning and in turn make you feel something. So listen. If you like it great. If not, that’s ok as well. There will always be something around the corner to tickle your ear.

Having said that, I hope to spark something in you with what I present on this site. I will say, however, because I’m new at this I may change the site a bit from time to time as I get better at it and learn more about what you guys like to see and hear. Make sure you drop me a line and tell me what you think.



There is really two main reasons for this site. First, to promote yours truly (me). You will get lots of music written, arranged and produced by me. You will hear collaborations I’ve done with musicians from the far reaches of the globe (no kidding).  And if you ever want to collaborate let me know and I will create a track for you.   At some point, you will get, (eventually when the universe smiles upon me) to purchase and own your very own copies of my solo musical offerings (yeah).

Secondly, I will share musical happenings, news, commentary, reviews, videos and pics from the world of good music. All that presented to you regularly in my blog.

Take a quick tour of the site. See what I’ve got so far.

Ok, ‘nuf  yappin. It’s about the music.

me at work

Enjoy everyone.
And don’t forget to drop me a note.